Dr Manish Prasad
I am the BPNA Professional Support Officer and currently the clinical lead for paediatric neurology department at the Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC), University Hospital Nottingham NHS Trust, with 10 years of experience at the consultant level.
I currently lead the Ketogenic diet and VNS services in Nottingham. My other interests include childhood headaches, and ataxia telangiectasia. I actively participate in running the highly specialised National Ataxia Telangiectasia Clinic in Nottingham.
I regularly teach on BPNA PET and CHaT courses and have been involved in a variety of educational projects.
I have a great passion for helping people succeed, and I enjoy working with and supporting my colleagues.
The role of Professional Support Officer will put me in a better position to make significant decisions with regards to medical task force especially at consultant level and I hope to be able to support other tertiary neurology departments in their recruitment process.