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Doctors from overseas

Recognition of ‘overseas’ training in Paediatric Neurology in the UK

Individuals who have completed their training outside the UK can apply to the General Medical Council (GMC) for a Certificate of Equivalent Specialist Recognition (CESR) if they can provide clear evidence they have acquired ALL the competencies required for accreditation as a paediatric neurologist in the UK.

Information regarding the application process can be found on the GMC website. The process is extremely rigorous.  Some applicants may have done part of their training within the UK.

If you would like to discuss applying for a CESR, please contact Dr Dipak Ram (National Training Advisor for paediatric neurology)

You can also find a recent video Dr Dipak Ram did on 13 June 2022 called 'Alternative Routes into Paediatric Neurology' on the main page here 

Applying to train as a Paediatric Neurologist in the UK

Once a trainee has been registered by the GMC, they may apply for a further training post, provided they are not on the GMC specialty register already and have the required visa/right to remain.

In the UK, after completing medical school, trainees undertake a 2-year foundation programme and then apply for an 8-year run-through training in paediatrics.  The initial 5-years cover core paediatric competencies and the final 3.5-years are in neurology.  Overseas graduates applying to join the UK scheme normally decide if they are in the early, mid (3-5 years) or late (above 5-years) training.  They then apply to join the UK-based training programme at the relevant point.

Appointments to GRID paediatric neurology training posts are co-ordinated centrally by the RCPCH.  Only trainees within the UK paediatric training programme are eligible to apply.  Shortlisters are blinded to the name and centre from which the candidate is applying. 

GRID appointments are made on a competitive basis.  Appointment to a training post is dependent on a candidate’s performance at interview and the location of vacant training posts in the UK that year.  Interviewees are ranked according to their performance at interview and the RCPCH uses a matching scheme to allocate successful candidates to their preferred centre. All training posts are within large teaching hospital centres.

Trainees completing paediatric neurology training within the UK can apply for certification of completion of training (CCT).

Applying for consultant posts in the UK

CPN posts are advertised on NHS jobs.  If you have any queries please contact