The RCPCH new curriculum to support paediatric training: RCPCH Progress was launched August 2018. There are learning outcomes (LO) and key capabilities (KC) that must be achieved at each 'level' of training. Grid trainees in neurology must acquire the LO and KC outlined in the 'generic' Level 3 syllabus as well as the specialty LO and KC outlined in the Level 3 paediatric neurology syllabus. For those achieving their CCT after April 2024, the updated Progress+ curriculum should be used.
The paediatric neurology progress syllabus provides an overview of the elements required to train in paediatric neurology, but more detailed information is available in the BPNA/CSAC Neurology Training Guide regarding the specific knowledge and skills required as a Consultant Paediatric Neurologist in the three core diagnostic disciplines:
and the 11 neurology subspecialties:
The only 'formal' level 3 assessment is the START assessment, usually done in the penultimate year of training. The assessment is 'formative' and seeks to highlight aspects of training that need to be addressed before CCT. Broadly 50% of the assessment relates to generic level 3 competencies and 50% relates to subspecialty training. START is a mandatory aspect of level 3 training and trainees seeking entry onto the specialist register by means of CCT award, must undertake the assessment as part of their training.