Progress graphic

Support through training

Ongoing support through training

British paediatric neurologists benefit from an excellent network across the UK through the BPNA.  There is an educational lead in every paediatric neurology centre who keeps an eye on both the quality of the training programme as well as helping individual trainees progress optimally.  

Annual progress meetings

All trainees (including those who are 'out of programme’) have a face-to-face meeting with CSAC representatives each year.  This meeting forms the basis of their CSAC progression report, required before the annual ARCP review.  These meetings are held during the Trainees' Meeting (an educational and social weekend held in May each year) or around the BPNA conference in January.

The annual face-to-face meetings have been warmly welcomed by trainees.  It is an opportunity to reflect on progress and identify learning objectives for the following year.  It is also an opportunity to celebrate achievements and highlight any barriers to training. 

Trainees are asked to complete a pre-interview questionnaire with their education supervisor and this, together with their e-portfolio, is reviewed at the meeting.  Following the meeting, a report is issued to the trainee, their supervisor and TPD or head of school.  Any concerns about training are raised with relevant parties.  The CSAC are happy to work with the local team to  resolve any difficulties/barriers that are affecting progress.


The BPNA provides a mentor to all grid trainees who are in their last year of training.  The aim is to support you as you launch into your consultant career.  We will automatically contact you to provide a mentor.


